Success Stories

Moving on to a New Chapter Of Life As A Junior System Engineer

Let’s have a look into the journey of our student, Akhil AS…. Moving on to a New Chapter Of Life As A Junior System Engineer. Lets look into the journey of Akhil  In 2016, Akhil A.S. received his in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Akhil was preparing for competitive exams after finishing his B.Tech, but […]

Non-programmer to Application Support Engineer: A dream that was fulfilled

Let’s have a look into the journey of our student, Athul S…… Application Support Engineer from a Non-programming background. Lets look into the journey of Athul Athul, a native of Kottayam, originally wanted to study mechanical engineering. But he was accepted into the electrical engineering programme. However, he failed to get a job in the […]

Paving the Way for the Career She Desired: From B.Sc. Electronics to a Cloud Professional

Let’s have a look into the journey of our student, Saikripa V. Cloud Professional from B.Sc. Electronics degree background! Lets look into the journey of Ms. Saikripa V Saikripa is from Kozhikode and graduated with a B.Sc. Electronics degree in 2018. She was unable to get the job she desired. So, after completing her graduation, […]

From the World of Mathematics to the World of Advancing IT-Sector

Let’s have a look into the journey of our student Namitha Kumari…… Namitha Kumari had always hoped to work in IT, but she ended up majoring in mathematics and continued her education. Later in her career, she was reminded of an old dream of working in the IT sector.  Namitha had a strong desire to […]

Left aside his Calculator, Akhil Nath is now administrating the IT Infrastructure of an MNC

Making Impossible Possible. From a Non-IT Background to an IT Job.    Let’s have a look into the journey of our student Akhil Nath V…   After completing his B.Com degree, Akhil Nath V  tried to get into the military forces. Despite his extensive efforts, it didn’t happen. So he decided to push aside his […]

A Python Developer after a 9 Year Career Gap

Ajay Approached IPSR by highlighting his two major Challenges The first one is his 9 years gap !!! The second one is his Non-IT background !!! Meet Our student  Ajay Natarajan was a graduate specializing in Electronics & Communication in 2013. After his graduation, he was focused on preparing for the CIVIL exams.  But […]

From B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics to Cloud Engineer!

Making the Impossible Possible: The Journey from a Non-IT Background to Cloud Engineer! Rahul completed his B.Tech in Electronics and Electrical in 2018. He took nearly one year to complete his arrear papers. Once he completed this, his primary focus became building his career. He also worked in different sectors, but he was looking forward […]

B.Sc Chemistry to System Engineer through Red Hat Online Training

Making Impossible Possible. From a Non-IT Background to an IT Job.  Let’s have a look into the journey of our student Midhun….  How the Journey Started: Midhun was a B.Sc graduate in Chemistry. It was very crucial for him to pursue a Postgraduate course, but it was a tedious task for him to find admission […]

Mechanical or Computer Science Nothing Matters!!!

To start your career in IT you need some set of skills and if you acquire them, then nothing will be impossible. Meet Our Student- Sachin Sebastian… Sachin Sebastian was a Mechanical Engineering Graduate in 2017. After the completion of his graduation, he worked in a firm in mechanical platforms for nearly 1 year. However, […]

Success is something beyond a career journey. It’s a milestone in your life by overcoming the challenges using every opportunity in the journey.

With technology covering most of the industries today under its huge umbrella, it has become mandatory for students and professionals to be skilled in the trending technology. Here’s a live case study for this! Meet Our Student- Sreehari… Sreehari completed his Undergraduate program in 2014, where he had multiple back papers. After completing his course, […]

This is the 21st century. Do You Still prioritize Degrees over Skills?

  It is nothing new today when we find Non-IT Graduates who take up IT  jobs as their career choice.   Let’s have a look into the journey of Joseph James. Joseph James who was a BSC Physics graduate from KE College. After completing his  UG,  he had a  firm decision to pursue higher studies […]

Are you looking for a way to discover your passion and purpose?

You can be successful only when you’re engaged in things that you’re passionate about. No matter the reason, there are loads of great opportunities out there to utilize after year gaps, wisely. Let’s have a look into the journey of Vaishak.  Vaishak R Krishnan was a Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science) graduate in 2015 from […]